Autumn exacerbation :)

Friends, I bring to your attention the continuation of "Autumn in Kaliningrad" series.
Друзья, предлагаю вашему вниманию продолжение серии "Осень в Калининграде". 
Do not worry, it is Russia - with atomic bombs, but without good roads :)
Не пугайтесь, это Россия - с атомными бомбами, но без хороших дорог :)


  1. very beautiful trees
    i have a question that still Ad-sense did not approve my blog
    then i add Amazon links
    know Ad-sense can approve my blog after Amazon links i add
    and what would u like to suggest me about my blog either it can be acceptable or not by Ad-sense thanks

    1. Thank you for the comment). Frankly speaking I don't know about Amazon links. As for me it took me five months from stating the blog till getting adsense approval. Good luck!

  2. That's beautiful Sir.
    I love the photography.
    I am started the same blog of photography.

    1. Thank you dear Asad for the kind words - and good luck)

  3. Sir how can i qualify for adsense? My blog is

    1. It takes half a year from starting your blog. Then it will be possible to activate AdSense. But frankly speaking they pay very little - I get 2 USD per month. Hope it will be more some time.


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