October in Kaliningrad

Friends, I bring to your attention the continuation of a series of photos of October.
Друзья, предлагаю вашему вниманию продолжение серии октябрьских фотографий.


  1. very nice pics.
    i have a question
    from where u are blogging,by writing in "new post" or "new page" of your blog?
    Actually i was writing(blogging) in only "new post" now i m thinking i should to create new pages.
    Do u know what is the difference between "new post" and "new page"?
    Best of regards!!

    1. Thank you for the comment dear Amina). Frankly speaking it is the question i have not answer too. I use only "new post" and don't know what is the purpose of the "new page".

  2. Congratulations!! u have crossed 50000+ page views.

    1. Thank you for the attention - I really appreciate it)

  3. Beautiful images. I am following your blog and thank you for your visit in my blog "letters that move." Hugs from Brazil!
    Sandra May


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